Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Lawatan Sukarelawan dari Rockhampton, Queensland, Australia

Pelajar dari Rockhampton, Queensland Australia telah mengadakan lawatan sukarela pada 20 hingga 26 Jun 2016.

Antipodeans Abroad is an educational non-governmental and non-political organization that mainly focuses on bringing students for overseas volunteer work, and language exchange programmes to exciting destinations and communities around the world.  One of their programmes is to bring students for friendly visits and community service works especially construction and development projects, such as repairing and repainting of old school buildings in the rural areas of host countries.

Our school, SK Nanga Skrang, Sri Aman, Sarawak has been selected as one of the rural schools to receive this most welcomed and friendly visit. The group, which is expected to be consisting of 20 individuals includes a Principal, 3 teachers and 16 students. They will stay for a duration of one week. The cost of the whole programme including repairing works, food and equipment will be fully funded by the organization.

The group is planning to come in several phases to finish all their works in this school. During the first phase, the group will undertake painting and repairing works. The members of the group will paint the exterior wall of the classroom block and repair the hostel’s toilets which are in dire needs of restorations.

Kehadiran sukarelawan Australia 

Cikgu Panggie bersama Mr. Roger

Aktiviti Mengecat Bangunan Sekolah

Guru Besar En. Benet pun mengecat sekali

Aktiviti bersama murid-murid SKNS

Lawatan ke Rumahpanjang TR Romeneo

Kedatangan YB Datuk Francis Harden disambut meriah

Malam Farewell / Cultural

Remaja Australia cantik memakai ngepan Iban

Buah tangan istimewa untuk sukarelawan

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